• 【受賞】『FRAME AWARDS 2020』にてEXECUTIONAL AWARDS:Best Use of Digital Technology部門:Jury Prizeを受賞いたしました。
    [Award] “Frame Awards 2020” We received a prize in the “Best use of digital technology” category

    空間・インテリアデザイン業界にて世界的に権威ある雑誌FRAME主催の『FRAME awards 2020』にて、
    EXECUTIONAL AWARDS:Best Use of Digital Technology部門:Jury Prizeを受賞いたしました。

    Hipanda Flagship Store received a jury prize in the “Best use of digital technology” category at the Frame Awards 2020 sponsored by FRAME, a world-renowned magazine in the interior design industry.


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